
Home Improvement
Is it smart to buy another home before selling your present home? That’s a loaded question given the lack of information you’ve shared with us, but we’ll try to give you some guidance. As a general rule, you’d rather know that you have a buyer in hand to purchase your home before you go out...
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Enjoying a warm, cozy fire requires a clean, safe fireplace. Here are some tips for keeping it that way: Fireplaces should not be used as furnaces. Use a fireplace for a short-duration fire — no longer than five hours.Keep the glass open to allow air to be drawn up to cool the chimney, but keep...
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Home is no longer just about personal retreat and comfort — more and more, we are seeing people place a high value on how well it can serve and entertain family and friends. According to real estate agents across the Mid-Atlantic, outdoor living and entertainment spaces are gaining momentum as the next big trend and...
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Modern homeowners who want to make their house smarter for efficiency or convenience can find all sorts of interesting ways to incorporate technology into their domestic life. While new developments in home tech have been emerging on a regular basis, there are several key trends that you should keep your eye on. These 3 innovative...
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Paying regular attention to your abode’s exterior prevents cold shoulders from neighbors and keeps passersby from slamming on the brakes to stare at the eyesore. More than cosmetics, a spiffy home protects a homeowner’s investment. DIY builds equity Do-it-yourself projects add curb appeal and sweat equity, giving homeowners the opportunity to use the savings on...
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